
15年ぶりとなる来日ツアー! 「KEMURI SKA BRAVO」ツアーを大盛況に終えたMUSTARD PLUG。ツアーの模様をボーカルのDaveがレポしてくれました!
(Photo by Lui Ambo)



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1日休みが貰えたから、ツアー初日のライブにはばっちり備えられた、大阪のファンをがっがりさせはしない!楽屋入りして、昔からの友人のKemuriと合流した。「20年もの間一緒にプレイできるなんて本当に凄いよ!」とふみおと話した。1998年に2バンドとも「Ska Against Racism」ツアーをまわって、たくさんの時間を一緒に過ごして凄く良い友達になれた。「Ska Against Racism」ツアーは90年代スカバンドのベストラインアップ(Less Than Jake、The Toasters、MU330、他)でまわった歴史的なツアーだったから、Kemuriとオレ達がそれに参加できたとこを誇りに思っている。さらに彼らとの友情関係をそのまま保って、何年経ってもまた一緒にライブができる事は最高に幸せなことだ。もちろんライブ自体も楽しかったよ。Geluguguは凄く良かった!彼らとは何年か前にNicotineと一緒に日本のツアーをやったときにも一緒にライブをしたけど、当時と変わらず良かった!オレ達のライブも凄く楽しかった。大阪のファンは素晴らしい、ダンスするのが大好きで彼らのエネルギーを感じることができた。最後のセットはKemuriで、今まで見てきた彼らのライブよりもさらに良いものだった!ライブ後はオレ達のファンと会って一緒に写真をとったりした。オレ達の音楽を楽しんでくれる人達と話せることは凄く嬉しいことだから、毎晩そうしていたよ。めちゃくちゃ楽しいからね!15年間オレ達の事が見ていない、たくさんの昔からのファンはオレ達が再来日したことに興奮してくれていたし、オレ達のライブに初めて来たファンとも話すことができた。正直言うと、ライブ後にたくさんの日本のスカファンと話して遊んだりするのがこのツアーで一番好きなことだったよ!

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次の日は名古屋で The Sensationsが一緒だった。The Sensationsとは1年前にフロリダで2回ライブをやったことがある、彼らの持つエネルギーと刺激的な部分が大好きだ。たくさんの自国のファンの前でプレイする彼らを見るのは楽しかった。名古屋でのオレ達のライブもめっちゃくちゃ楽しかった。会場は大阪より少し小さかったけど、そのおかげでファンとの間が狭いからより身近に彼らを感じられるライブになった。その夜もKemuriは素晴らしかった。ライブ後には大阪にも来ていて、また見に来てくれた人達にもたくさん会えた。

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ツアー最終日は渋谷で、これも最高だった。O-Eastはオレ達がアメリカで気に入っているいくつかの会場(シカゴのThe Metroとか)を彷彿させてくれるから自分の国にいるような気持ちにさせてくれる。お客さんがたくさん入っていて、踊る気満々だった。Rude Bonesは日本のスカバンドの中で好きなバンドの一つで、彼らとまた一緒にライブができて嬉しかった。オレ達のライブも凄く良かった。良いライブハウスに、ノリがよくて、踊る準備万端の観客、この2つはバンドのベストなライブを引き出すことができる。そして、オレ達は今までで一番良いライブが出来たと思う。ホームタウンでのKemuriのライブは見逃すことができない経験だった。このイベントに参加できて本当に嬉しかった。ただひとつ悲しい事はアメリカに帰らなきゃいけないことだ!

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また日本に戻れることを願っている。ファンもバンドもオレ達に本当に良くしてくれて、ライブも素晴らしいものだった。すべてをオーガナイズしてくれたケイタとSmashには深く感謝している。そしてスカシーンをサポートして、今回の来日を実現する手助けをしてくれたParking Lot Soundsのアキラにも感謝している。アメリカのバンドを来日させるには大変な労力がいるから、彼らは最高です!もちろん、オレ達の古くからの友人のKemuriにも感謝!彼らが本当に大好きだし、また一緒にプレイできることを心待ちにしている!そして何よりもライブにきてくれたみんな、ありがとう。みんながいなかったらできなかったことだし、今までスカやMustard Plugを応援してくれて心から感謝しているよ!


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We want to send out our love and gratitude to all our Japanese friends, fans and family! We had such an amazing tour!

It had been over 15 years since the last time we had been to Japan and we were not sure what to expect. Immediately we felt like we were coming home to old friends and we were so very happy that we returned. The first night our new friend and tour guide Riki took us to an izakaya in Osaka. We don’t have izakayas in America, and we really missed them, so it was great to be back. The next day we had off, so we spent the day wandering around Osaka eating takoyaki and sushi and getting used to the time difference.

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After a day of rest we were ready for our first show of the tour and Osaka did not disappoint! After settling in to our dressing room, we met up with our old friend in Kemuri. Fumio and I were talking about how incredible it was that we’ve been playing shows together for 20 years! Both bands did the “Ska Against Racism” tour together in 1998 where we got to spend a lot of time together and became very good friends. The “Ska Against Racism Tour really was historic event that featured the best ska bands of the 90’s (Less Than Jake, Toasters, MU330 etc.) and I feel really proud that we could be part of that. I’m so happy that we have remained friends with Kemuri and have the opportunity to still play with them so many years later. Of course the show itself was lot of fun too. Gelugugu were really good! We played with them many years ago when we toured Japan with Nicotine and they are as good as ever! Our set was so much fun. The Osaka fans are fantastic. They love to dance and we could feel their energy. Kemuri played last and were better than I’ve ever seen them! After the show we hung out and met our fans and took selfies with them. It was such a great opportunity to talk to the people who enjoy our music. We did this every night and it was so much fun! We met many fans who had not seen us in over 15 years who were so excited we came back. We also talked to many new fans who had never seen us before. Honestly, getting to hang out after the show and talk to so many Japanese ska fans was my favorite part of the whole tour!

The next day was in Nagoya and the Sensations were on the bill. We played two shows with the Sensations a year ago in Florida and loved the energy and excitement this band has! It was fun to see them in their home country in front of so many fans. Our show in Nagoya was super fun as well. The club was a little smaller than Osaka, but that was fun too because it felt more intimate with the fans up close. Once again Kemuri were amazing and when we hung out after the show we saw many of the people from Osaka who had returned for another show!

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The final show of the tour was in Shibuya and it was amazing. O-East reminds us a lot of our favorite club in America, (The Metro in Chicago), so it kind of felt like we were home. The crowd was huge and ready to dance. Rude Bones are one of our favorite Japanese Ska bands and it was great to play with them again. Our set went really well too. Being in such a fantastic space with a crowd that is excited and ready to dance brings out the best in the band and I felt we had one of our best sets ever. Seeing Kemuri in their home town is an experience not to be missed and I’m so grateful we got to be part of the event. The only sad part is that we had to leave!

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Hopefully we’ll be back in Japan soon. The fans and the bands treated us so well and shows were fantastic. We are very grateful to Keita and Smash for putting everything together, and to Akira and Parking Lot Sounds for supporting the ska music scene and helping make this happen. It takes so much work to bring a band from America to Japan those guys are the best! Of course, we send our thanks out to our old friends in Kemuri! We love those guys and can’t wait to play with them again! Most of all we thank everyone who came out to the shows. None of us could do it without you and we very much appreciate you support of ska and Mustard Plug for all these years!


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