
初のヘッドライナーツアーを大盛況に終えたThe Aggrolites。オリジナルメンバー/オルガンのRogerよりツアーレポが到着!
(Photo by Lui Ambo)

Hello to all of the Aggro fans in Japan. THANK YOU!
楽しいパーティーに感謝!すばらしい街や景色に感謝!美味しい食事に感謝!アグロライツのツアーで世界中をまわっているけど、日本には他のどこの場所にもない、特別な何か不思議な魅力がある。飛行機から降りた瞬間から日本が大好きになった。そして、Parking Lot Soundsのアキラには特別に深い感謝を伝えたい。世界中のレゲエやスカのバンドが来日できるのは彼のおかげだ。彼が居なかったら根強いレゲエやスカシーンを保つことは出来なかっただろう。


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-The Aggrolites

Hello to all of the Aggro fans in Japan. THANK YOU!
Thank you for the wonderful parties! Thank you for the wonderful cities and sights! Thank you for the wonderful food! The Aggrolites tour the world often and there is something magical about Japan. There is no other place like it. Since the moment we got off the plane it was nothing but love. A very special thank you to Akira at Parking Lot Sounds. He is the reason countless of Reggae and Ska bands from all over the world come to Japan. Without him the reggae and ska community wouldn’t be as strong as it is.

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There is a real love for skinhead reggae and rocksteady in Japan. We saw that first hand at every show. Each concert was a big party full of singing and late nights. The Aggrolites were very fortunate to meet many fans and take many pictures. The pleasure was fully ours. So many smiles as we played our set list full of classic and new Aggrolite songs.

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The Aggrolites could eat Japanese food EVERYDAY! We were able to taste amazing dishes at every town we went to. Before the show and after the show we had to indulge in the local food. Very tasty indeed. Before the trip we were highly anticipating what Japan had to offer and we were NOT disappointed. We had so much fun absorbing Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. Each city was very unique and had amazing things to offer.

We can’t wait to come back someday. Thank you all once again for all the support and love. Arigato!
-The Aggrolites

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